YAY! Great news!
I was really really really hoping that this will come through in time for our Annyeong Seoul fair, but I didn’t dare breathe a word about it earlier coz I really wasn’t sure if everything would arrive in time.
Now you know how Korean women have such enviably beautiful faces and bodies? So many of them are soooo… slim! Of course those darned(!) flights of steps at Seoul’s subway station has gotta do with it, I’m certain! But but but, surely, there too must be something magical in their diet too, right?
We’ve long known about the health benefits of the kimchi, and other fermented food that seems to feature so highly in the Korean diet. And oh, also the beans and the traditional herbs and stuff… Something interesting there, I’d bet!
Then a Korean friend told me about this wonderful product that’s topped the best-selling ranks of diet food for the whole of 2010. It’s a meal replacement shake that actually doesn’t taste half bad (really!) and it’s an ingenious marriage of herbs and the fermentation technology! All-natural, it does more than just keep us slim.
I’m talking about this product called GongRyuBoGam (空流补减), which is telling everything that the product can do! Yes, each of these four characters tells a function!
Gong (空) refers to how the product helps us detox, Ryu (流) refers to how the product helps us in our blood circulation, Bo (补) refers to replenishment of vitamins and minerals and all things good, and Gam (减) is losing weight and shedding unwanted fats!
Over a million boxes of these yummylicious meal replacement shake have already been sold since it’s launched in 2009. So many people can’t be wrong, ya? There must be good reason why this product continues to reign. There’re even news articles in Korea that talks about how the GongRyuBoGam weight loss program doesn’t just stop at helping people lose weight; it helps keep us healthy too!
And… we’d managed to arrange for sample products to be EMS’ed over (ouch, the cost!) so that we can share with you how great this product is at the Annyeong Seoul fair. If you’re looking for a healthy way to lose weight, come check us out, okie?
But do accept our apologies that the setup at the fair ain’t ‘glamourous’ or anything… Given that we only finalized arrangements with the Korean side a week ago and still had to check on licensing matters with our local authorities, we really didn’t have time to do much preparation work. But the real test is in the pudding, or rather, in this case, the shake, ya?
To be honest, we had wanted to get our marketing plans set out right, bring some stocks in and launch it in a couple of months’ time. However, we reckon the Annyeong Seoul fair would be a great place to introduce the product to you guys, so we decided to expedite and rush everything out in aweek.
We’ve also rushed out an online blogshop to facilitate future orders and follow-up for this product. Do check us out at YELLOWFM.com. Forgive us if the site’s looking really ‘sparse and empty’, we’re build up the contents progressively.
Meanwhile, here are the details on this fantabulous product! And yes, at the fair, we’ll be taking orders for interested parties and you can pay a deposit first and pay the balance when the items arrive next month.
Reposted from YELLOWFM.com
Tell me, tell me, who amongst you are wanting to lose some weight? Who amongst you have been trying to shed a few kilos but to no avail?
Yea, we know, we know, it’s not easy at all… especially if we’ve already passed that certain (spring chicken, keke!) age and metabolic rate is decreasing at practically the same rate our waistline is increasing!
Ever wondered about why the Korean women are so slim and all? Somehow, the Korean women are always looking so beautiful, ya? They’ve beautiful skin, they’re slim, they’re stylish, they’re slim, they’re poised, they’re slim, they’ve fabulous hair, they’re slim, and yea, they’re slim! We’d bet that the many flights of staircases at their subway stations probably help a little, but we think there’s some magic in their diet!

First things first, surely you know that Korean food is kindda famous for its fermentation, right?
In fact, as the oh-so-important-to-all-Koreans banchan, kimchi, has demonstrated, Korean food is nearly inseparable from fermentation. And guess what? The Korean Kimchi has actually made it into the FIVE BEST HEALTH FOODS IN THE WORLD, as published by Health magazine.
In fact, while we’re at it, we might as well tell you that these five healthiest food in the whole wide world are the Korean Kimchi, Spanish Olive Oil, Japanese Natto, Indian Lentils, and Greek Yogurt. What’s intriguing about this list is that FOUR out of the five are prepared by fermentation!
So now it begets the question: Why is fermented food so good for our bodies?
Well, fermentation is a way of preserving food through neither freezing nor any other artificial means. The process of fermentation brings about interesting changes to the flavour and texture of the food. But that’s not what does the good for our health. You see, when food is fermented, it encourages the growth of healthy bacteria while preventing the growth of bad bacteria. You will usually need special ingredients and also carefully controlled conditions such as temperature and pH in order to ferment food properly and successfully.
On the side, you might want to know that fermentation’s biggest benefit is quite possible in the production of ‘healthy bacteria’ called lactobacilli. This is the ‘good bacteria’ that can be found in fermented food such as Kimchi and yogurt. Read more about fermentation HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.
Why are we yakking away about fermentation? Coz we’ve been introduced to this wonderful made-in-Korea product that uses fermentation technology and also Oriental herbs! Whoa! That’s like the best of best, you’ve fermentation meets TCM, so to speak!
So this product is not only good for your health, it’s also one helluva slimming product!
Can you now begin to understand why we’re so excited we can barely sit still?? Yea, we can’t wait to introduce this fantabulous product to all of you!
When we found out that we could spree one of the best-selling diet food products from Korea, how could we remain calm?? Other than helping people keep slim, this product is also good for your health!
So… ZZANG…!!
Here we are, ready to tell you everything about this exciting product!

GongRyuBoGam (空流补减) is the name of this meal replacement shake that uses fermentation technology and also Oriental herbs. This is actually a collaboration between the company NAB and Dr Park Kyungho who is the director of Oriental Medicine-based Fermentation Research Laboratory. The two parties have been working together since 2007 to develop oriental medicine-based fermented products, including bodycare products, health supplements and yes, dietary products as well.
This natural herbal diet supplement GongRyuBoGam was first launched in June 2009 via the NS TV shopping channel. It was an astounding success from the word GO; and now a couple of years later, it is still amongst the top-selling diet supplements in Korea.

Launched in mid 2009, the superior efficacy of GongRyuBoGam has spread far and wide through customers’ word of mouth, and it catapulted to the top spot in Korea’s diet industry in 2010.

It provides a wide range of high protein, vitamins and minerals that serve important functions in our body. It also features a fiber-rich blend that increases not only your feeling of fullness, but also helps eliminating waste from your body.
Because GongRyuBoGam has high protein, low fat, and low carbohydrates, it is an effective and healthy method of weight loss over time and also for weight management. Conveniently packaged in powder form in sachets, it can be mixed with water, milk, or juice. All you have to do is to give your body a pack of nutrition-packed Gongryoubogam a day for healthy weight loss!
This NEWS ARTICLE even described it as a diet supplement that does not stop at weight loss or weight management; it is, in fact, a health supplement. If you follow the weight loss or weight maintenance programs, you can regulate your appetite as well as ensure that your body is getting sufficient vitamins and minerals, thereby achieving a nutritional balance.
Curious about the name GongRyuBoGam (空流补减)? We knew you would be, coz we were curious too!

Actually, each of these four words means something! In fact, each word describes the unique points of this product and brings out the essence of why GongRyuBoGam is such a good diet supplement!

Now let’s walk through the four words individually, and this process will actually bring us a better understanding about the essence (and the goodness!) of GongRyuBoGam.
The first word is is GONG (空), which means to empty.
The product guide says, [Gong] : Abundant fibers such as Plant ago seed, Chicory fiber, Oat fiber etc., assist to excrete waste matter from the body.
Essentially, this will give your body the much-needed fiber and help us with our bowel movements. Many of us suffer from constipation and it is usually due to a lack of adequate dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is generally obtained from plant foods, and consists of that portion of the plant which is not digested by man. But not everyone takes in enough fibers; in fact, many of us do not even like to eat vegetables!
In order to help us achieve normal bowel movements and acquire normal bowel habits, we need to correct the fiber inadequacy in our diet. So, imagine how ‘nice and convenient’ it is if our diet supplement also helps take care of this by ensuring we get our fibers too?!
Remember this, fiber is just as important to your health as food and water! For one, it plays a critical role for your intestinal and bowel health, which are recognized as being at the core of many health issues. Fiber has so many benefits including softening your stools, reducing constipation, absorbing toxins, removing waste from your body, balancing blood sugar, lowering your cholesterol and your risk of colon cancer, as well as assisting your body with weight loss.
Eating fiber also helps release hormones that make you feel full and satiated. If you take fiber 20-30 minutes before a meal, you can reduce your appetite and the quantity of the food you eat by roughly 75 percent.
Read more about how fiber can help you stay fit and slim HERE, HERE and HERE.
Moving on to the second word, and this Korean word is RYU (流), which means flow or circulation.
The product guide says, [Ryu] : Korean fermented herbs improve your constitution by having smooth circulation.
The purpose of fermenting herbs is to preserve them for consumption and retain nutritional values. Fermentation increases the vitamin and mineral content by removing the toxins. Fermented herbs are helpful aids in digestion problems and improvements to the immune system, strengthening the body’s protection against disease.
So daily intake of GongRyuBoKam will ensure that you take in all the goodness harnessed from herbs, and therefore improving your circulation.
This Korean word is BO (补), which means to replenish or restore.
The product guide says, [Bo] : It contains necessary nutrients such as 14 kinds of vitamins, minerals and calcium.
This part is easy to understand especially if you’re Asian and/or familiar with traditional chinese medicine (TCM) or Ayurveda. Basically, it means to provide nutrients to the body in order to restore good health and vitality.
So far, the first three words of GongRyuBoKam (空流补减) have described the health benefits of the product, including (1)providing the body with fibers to facilitate excretion of waste matters from our body (good for people suffering from constipation!), (2)providing the body with fermented herbs which will improve circulation, and (3)feeding the body with the necessary nutrients to keep it health.
Lastly…. we have the fourth Korean word GAM (减), which means to reduce or cut down.
The product guide says, [Gam] : Low calories with low carbs and fats, protein, amino acid, HCA and L-carnitine will help you to lose weight.
So yes, other than taking natural herbal diet supplement GongRyuBoKam for good health, you can use it as a meal replacement shake to achieve weight loss. You can enjoy one or even two shakes a day a day as a meal replacement, depending on whether you’re on the intensive weight loss program or the weight maintenance track.
And other than using this as a meal replacement, you can also take GongRyuBoKam as a healthy snack whenever your sweet tooth is craving for something to munch on. Or, line your stomach with this before meal times and you will find yourself eating less.
All in, GongRyuBoKam is an excellent way to achieve weight loss whilst keeping your body healthy.

Now we’re sure many of you would be concerned about the safety of this product, ya? Well, GongRyBoGam has been launched since mid 2009, and is now available in Japan and China.
Yup, this means that the product has passed whatever diet or health product tests there are in these countries.
And oh, surely the fact that over a million boxes have been sold is comfort enough for you?
You can click HERE for the full ingredients of GongRyuBoGam in English. In fact, we strongly encourage you to go check it out, coz you’ll see that the sachet is chock-a-block with goodness!

What’s exciting is that the product actually contains herbs and also some 14 different kinds of vitamins and minerals!

In order to rest your mind further, we will also share some info about the company behind the product, NAB.
Incorporated in 2005, NAB has developed and marketed numerous cosmetics, bodycare products, health supplements and also the natural herbal diet supplement, GongRyuBoKam. Its products are sold through various retail channels, including Shinsegae Department Stores, E-Mart, Galleria, Lotte Mart as well as Lotte and NS TV Shopping Channels.

You may click HERE for more information on NAB Company. Other related websites operated by NAB include CHWIYEON and NCLE.
There are two recommended programs that you can try. One is the basic weight management program (16 weeks) and the other is the more intensive weight loss program (10 weeks).

Basic Weight Management Program (16 weeks)

For Weeks 1-2, replace breakfast with one serving of GongRyuBoGam, eat lunch as per normal and halve your dinner intake.
For Weeks 3-10, eat breakfast as per normal, halve your lunch intake and replace dinner with one serving of GongRyuBoGam.
For Weeks 11-16, eat breakfast and lunch as per normal and replace dinner with one serving of GongRyuBoGam.
Intensive Weight Manaegment Program (10 weeks)

For Week 1, halve your breakfast and lunch intake and replace dinner with one serving of GongRyuBoGam.
For Weeks 2-5, replace breakfast and dinner with one serving of GongRyuBoGam for each respective meal, and halve your lunch intake.
For Weeks 6-10, eat breakfast as per normal, halve your lunch intake and replace dinner with one serving of GongRyuBoGam.
It’s really really easy and convenient! Just prepare 200ml of either water, juice or milk and pour the powdered GongRyuBoGam and… SHAKE!
Although room temperature beverage is fine, the shake tastes best cold. Do make sure you drink the shaken mixture immediately.

Each box contains 30 sachets and our Recommended Retail Price is S$99 per box.

As part of our Opening Special, it’s only S$90/- per box so long as you order at least two two boxes!
So that’s S$180/- for 2 boxes of 60 sachets, inclusive of local delivery. Yup, that includes delivery right to your doorstep, and we’ll even throw in a free airtight shaker for you!
If you’re going for the Basic Weight Management program, we recommend that you order TWO (02) boxes to start with. There are 60 sachets in two boxes, and these will last you 60 days, or 8.5 weeks.
If you’re going for the Intensive Weight Management program, then we recommend THREE (03) boxes to start with. There are 90 sachets in three, and these will last you 62 days, or almost 9 weeks.
The deadline for this spree is 2011.08.31 (Wed) 23:59.
Click HERE to order! Or better yet, come visit us at the Annyeong Seoul fair at BPP!
Dear i need more information, pls send me email for talk, ok?